
Winlogon Plugin

Plugin is usable in combination with other plugins, because it can only show messages to Trace messages. Or in Output windows if Trace messages are redirected to UI.


Here is a sample of how to attach to events of this plugin:

IPluginDescription winlogon = this.Host.Plugins.Plugins["6b7a3e25-8cef-4549-85a0-915114875dce"];

private void Winlogon_Active(Object sender, EventArgs e)
	System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Winlogon_Active " + e.ToString());
private void Winlogon_Inactive(Object sender, EventArgs e)
	System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Winlogon_Inactive " + e.ToString());

The plugin supports subscription to the following events:

  • Logon — User login to desktop
    winlogon.GetMember("Logon").AddEventHandler(new EventHandler<DataEventArgs>(Winlogon_Active));
  • Logoff — User logout from desktop
    winlogon.GetMember("Logoff").AddEventHandler(new EventHandler<DataEventArgs>(Winlogon_Inactive));
  • DisplayLock — The user has locked the screen (Ctrl+L)
    winlogon.GetMember("DisplayLock").AddEventHandler(new EventHandler<DataEventArgs>(Winlogon_Inactive));
  • DisplayUnlock — The user has unlocked the screen
    winlogon.GetMember("DisplayUnlock").AddEventHandler(new EventHandler<DataEventArgs>(Winlogon_Active));
  • StartScreenSaver — Screen saver has started
    winlogon.GetMember("StartScreenSaver").AddEventHandler(new EventHandler<DataEventArgs>(Winlogon_Inactive));
  • StopScreenSaver — Screen saver has stopped
    winlogon.GetMember("StopScreenSaver").AddEventHandler(new EventHandler<DataEventArgs>(Winlogon_Active));
  • Suspending — Putting the system into standby mode
    winlogon.GetMember("Suspending").AddEventHandler(new EventHandler<DataEventArgs>(Winlogon_Inactive));


Plugin contains only one configuration element Enable Logging: False — allow writing in the Output window an event about the user entering or leaving with the total user work time for the current day.



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